News & Announcements
A reminder that exterior doors will not open earlier than 5 minutes before the start or dismissal of a session. Doors will remain locked during Sessions.
Before A.M. Session Doors Open at 8:05 a.m.
A.M. Session 8:10-11:30 a.m
Doors Open 11:25 Before Dismissal
Before P.M. Session Doors Open 12:10
P.M. Session 12:15-3:35
Doors Open 3:30 Before Dismissal
1616 Butler St. / Blair, Nebraska 68008
Phone: 402-426-2229
Fax: 402-427-2498
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Please use Preschool door for arrival and dismissal.
Look for blue "Preschool Entrance" sign when turning into the school drive.
Ms. Jane - Preschool Secretary/Health Aide
Ms. Ashley - Preschool Teacher
Ms. Miranda - Preschool Teacher
Ms. Barb - Preschool Teacher
Ms. Laurie - Preschool Teacher
Ms. Angie - Speech and Language Pathologist
Mrs. Emily Drew - Physical Therapist
Mrs. Kelli Uhing - Occupational Therapist
Mrs. Jessica Cole - School Psychologist
Shane Keeling - Director
Registration is now open for Preschool for the 2025-2026 School Year. Click here to apply.